Sunday, September 20, 2015

Thunder Valley 2015 Cottonwood, Arizona

It was a quiet year for the Thunder Valley Run in Cottonwood, Arizona this year. Not many "character's" up there this year however, it was a most excellent ride up there with friend. Quite candidly... some of the finest "character's" in the world.
This is a bit of my work from the run. If you want a copy, call me or email me. Try real hard not to "steal" my work as it get discouraging when people you have seen the year before thank you for your work and how easy it was to steal it. I really don't want to go back to watermarks again... so if you want a copy...



  1. All the photos great. Very nice work!

  2. Thank you for including my photo. Holding the espresso coffee cup. :-)

  3. And yes a great ride up. Thanks for joining us crazy Pirates ;) Miss your face

  4. And yes a great ride up. Thanks for joining us crazy Pirates ;) Miss your face
